Na początku chciałbym zaznaczyć, iż jestem świeży w linuxie ale mam ogromne pragnienie zgłębiania tematyki tegoż system.
Czy mogli byście mi podpowiedzieć jak rozwiązać poniższy problem z sambą? [code]Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused
[2015/02/03 10:31:56.739715, 0] printing/print_cups.c:487(cups_async_callback) failed to re
Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused
[2015/02/03 10:32:56.804538, 0] printing/print_cups.c:487(cups_async_callback)
. Zapoznaj się z [/color][U][url=http://www.debian.pl/threads/5676-Przeczytaj-zanim-cokolwiek-napiszesz%21][color=#0000cd]Przeczytaj zanim cokolwiek napiszesz![/color][/URL]
Masz podłączoną drukarkę oraz zainstalowanego cupsa na rpi ?
Jeśli nie i nie będziesz mieć, a irytuje cię ten komunikat to dodaj do konfiguracji samby w sekcji global. Błąd ten nie wpływa na działanie samby.
# Nie ladowanie Cupsa
load printers = no
show add printer wizard = no
printcap name = /dev/null
disable spoolss = yes
GNU nano 2.2.6 File: /var/log/samba/log.smbd [2015/02/01 08:01:19, 0] smbd/server.c:1053(main) smbd version 3.6.6 started. Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2011 [2015/02/01 08:01:19.833261, 0] printing/print_cups.c:110(cups_connect) Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused [2015/02/01 08:01:20.476134, 0] smbd/process.c:244(read_packet_remainder) read_fd_with_timeout failed for client read error = NT_STATUS_END_OF_FILE. [2015/02/01 08:01:22, 0] smbd/server.c:1053(main) smbd version 3.6.6 started. Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2011 [2015/02/01 08:01:22.620887, 0] printing/print_cups.c:110(cups_connect) Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused [2015/02/01 08:01:22.624440, 0] printing/print_cups.c:487(cups_async_callback) failed to retrieve printer list: NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL [2015/02/01 15:57:55, 0] smbd/server.c:1053(main) smbd version 3.6.6 started. Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2011 [2015/02/01 15:57:56.539247, 0] printing/print_cups.c:110(cups_connect) Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused [2015/02/01 15:57:56.543135, 0] printing/print_cups.c:487(cups_async_callback) failed to retrieve printer list: NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL [2015/02/01 16:34:08, 0] smbd/server.c:1053(main) smbd version 3.6.6 started. Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2011 [2015/02/01 16:34:09.508495, 0] printing/print_cups.c:110(cups_connect) Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused [2015/02/01 16:34:09.510779, 0] printing/print_cups.c:487(cups_async_callback) failed to retrieve printer list: NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL
Feb 6 16:30:41 raspbmc console-kit-daemon[356]: WARNING: Error writing state file: No space left on device Feb 6 16:30:41 raspbmc console-kit-daemon[356]: WARNING: Cannot write to file /var/run/ConsoleKit/database~
przepraszam za bałagan ale działam na tablecie i nie do końca jest to tak komfortowe jak na komputerze.