mplayer dzia

Tematy związane z oprogramowaniem, instalacją, konfiguracją
Posty: 156
Rejestracja: 18 marca 2007, 17:42
Lokalizacja: wroclaw

mplayer działa normalnie a smplayer nie

Post autor: frik »

W mplayerze wszystko dziala normalnie. Wydaje mi sie ze to wina ostatniego updata mlpayera ale nie mam pewnosci. Moze ktos ma podobny problem i wie jak to rozwiazac.
Tu jest log smplayera:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

Playlist::addItem: '/mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.avi'
name: 'Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.avi'
 * latest_dir: ''
BaseGui: :o pen: '/mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.avi'
Core: :o pen: '/mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.avi'
 * identified as local file
Core: :o penFile: '/mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.avi'
Core: :p layNewFile: '/mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.avi'
Core::checkHaveSettingsSaved: group_name: '_mnt_sda6_downloaded_Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo_Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo_avi_732696576'
We have settings for this file!!!
Core::loadMediaInfo: '_mnt_sda6_downloaded_Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo_Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo_avi_732696576'
Media settings read
Core: :p layNewFile: volume: 40, old_volume: 40
Helper::setScreensaverEnabled: 0
Core::startMplayer: setting working directory to '/home/frik/.smplayer/screenshots'
DesktopInfo::desktop_size: primary screen: 0
DesktopInfo::desktop_size: size of primary screen: 1400 x 1050
DesktopInfo::desktop_size: size of screen: 1400 x 1050
Core::startMplayer: command: 'mplayer -noquiet -nofs -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo gl2 -ao alsa -zoom -nokeepaspect -input conf=/usr/local/share/smplayer/input.conf -stop-xscreensaver -wid 77594638 -colorkey 131586 -monitoraspect 1.33333 -fontconfig -font Tahoma -subfont-autoscale 1 -subfont-text-scale 5 -subcp CP1250 -subpos 100 -contrast 0 -brightness 0 -hue 0 -saturation 0 -osdlevel 0 -vf-add expand=osd=1 -noslices -vf-add screenshot -channels 2 -softvol -softvol-max 110 /mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.avi'
MplayerLayer: :p layingStarted
BaseGui::calculateDiff: diff_size: 0, 0
BaseGui::calculateDiff: diff_size set to: 0, 123
Core::tellmp: 'volume 40 1'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'MPlayer dev-SVN-rUNKNOWN-4.2.3 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: MPlayer version found: dev
WARNING: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: unknown MPlayer version
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: MPlayer SVN: 0
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ (Family: 15, Model: 79, Stepping: 2)'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Compiled with runtime CPU detection.'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'mplayer: could not connect to socket'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'mplayer: No such file or directory'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Terminal type `unknown' is not defined.'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Playing /mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.avi.'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'AVI file format detected.'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_ID=0'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '[aviheader] Video stream found, -vid 0'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_ID=1'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: ID_AUDIO_ID: 1
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '[aviheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'VIDEO:  [DX50]  608x332  12bpp  25.000 fps  1019.5 kbps (124.4 kbyte/s)'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Clip info:'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: ' Software: VirtualDubMod (build 2366/release)'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: clip_software: 'VirtualDubMod (build 2366/release)'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_CLIP_INFO_NAME0=Software'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_CLIP_INFO_VALUE0=VirtualDubMod (build 2366/release)'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_CLIP_INFO_N=1'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'SUB: Detected subtitle file format: microdvd'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'SUB: Read 1089 subtitles.'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'SUB: Adjusted 401 subtitle(s).'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_FILE_SUB_ID=0'
SubTracks: :p rocess: 'ID_FILE_SUB_ID=0'
SubTracks::find: item type: 2, ID: 0 doesn't exist
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_FILE_SUB_FILENAME=/mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]
SubTracks: :p rocess: 'ID_FILE_SUB_FILENAME=/mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'SUB: Added subtitle file (1): /mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo/Crank[2006]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo.txt'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_FILENAME=/mnt/sda6/downloaded/Crank[2006]
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_DEMUXER=avi'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_FORMAT=DX50'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_BITRATE=1019456'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_WIDTH=608'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: md.video_width set to 608
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_HEIGHT=332'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: md.video_height set to 332
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_FPS=25.000'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_ASPECT=0.0000'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: md.video_aspect set to 1.831325
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_FORMAT=85'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_BITRATE=128000'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_RATE=0'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_NCH=0'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_LENGTH=5065.44'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: md.duration set to 5065.440000
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'xscreensaver_disable: Could not find XScreenSaver window.'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Opening video filter: [screenshot]'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: ''
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: ''
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: init_video_filters'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_SIGNAL=11'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  Recompile MPlayer with --enable-debug and make a 'gdb' backtrace and'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  disassembly. Details in DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports_what.html#bugreports_crash.'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.'
MyProcess: :p rocFinished
MyProcess: :p rocFinished: Bytes available: 0
MplayerProcess: :p rocessFinished
Core: :p rocessFinished
Helper::setScreensaverEnabled: 1
Core: :p rocessFinished: we_are_restarting: 0
Core: :p rocessFinished: play has finished!
 exit_status: 0
MplayerLayer: :p layingStopped
To jest troche dziwne:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'mplayer: could not connect to socket'
MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'mplayer: No such file or directory'
I wspomne jeszcze ze do tego problemu wszystko dzialalo elegancko.
Posty: 4
Rejestracja: 07 stycznia 2008, 22:39
Lokalizacja: 16.7014°E 53.7058°N

Post autor: Klusek »

Mam dokładnie to samo, dzisiaj zainstalowałem sobie SMplayera a tu taki zonk, myślałem, że coś źle zrobiłem, ale widzę, że nie tylko ja mam taki problem. Może już sobie z tym jakoś poradziłeś?
Awatar użytkownika
Junior Member
Posty: 828
Rejestracja: 25 stycznia 2007, 14:01
Lokalizacja: Częstochowa

Post autor: darkwater »

u mnie również mplayer odmawiał współpracy z smplayer - odinstalowałem wersje z repo i zainstalowałem własnoręcznie kompliowaną wersję z svn - działa ok, również z smplayer
Posty: 4
Rejestracja: 07 stycznia 2008, 22:39
Lokalizacja: 16.7014°E 53.7058°N

Post autor: Klusek »

Ja sobie właśnie poradziłem w inny sposób, po prostu zszedłem z najnowszej wersji mplayera w repo do wersji 1.0~rc2-7 i działa. Zablokowałem wersję i będę czekał na jakiś nowy update.
Posty: 249
Rejestracja: 27 października 2007, 21:18
Lokalizacja: Matrix

Post autor: soki »

Mi pomogło zainstalowanie pakietu mplayer-nogui, automatycznie wywalił mplayera i działa.
Posty: 41
Rejestracja: 16 października 2006, 02:21

Post autor: menteith »

W jaki sposob zainstalowac poprzednia (nie najnowsza wersje) mplayera, tab zeby moc korzystac z smplayera?
Posty: 56
Rejestracja: 15 kwietnia 2007, 14:15
Lokalizacja: Lodz

Post autor: bartekkozak »

W jaki sposob zainstalowac poprzednia (nie najnowsza wersje) mplayera, tab zeby moc korzystac z smplayera?
Dołączam się do pytania.
Mam ten sam problem co frik.

U mnie log wygląda tak:

Kod: Zaznacz cały

main: app name: smplayer
global_init: config file: '/home/barti/.smplayer/smplayer.ini'
Debug: Translator::loadCatalog: can't load qt_pl_PL from /usr/share/smplayer/translations
Debug: Translator::loadCatalog: successfully loaded qt_pl_PL from /usr/share/qt4/translations
Debug: Translator::loadCatalog: successfully loaded smplayer_pl_PL from /usr/share/smplayer/translations
To jest SMPlayer v. 0.6.0rc2 (SVN 834) uruchomiony na Linux
Debug: To jest SMPlayer v. 0.6.0rc2 (SVN 834) uruchomiony na Linux
Debug: Qt v. 4.3.4
Debug:  * application path: '/usr/bin'
Debug:  * data path: '/usr/share/smplayer'
Debug:  * translation path: '/usr/share/smplayer/translations'
Debug:  * doc path: '/usr/share/doc/smplayer'
Debug:  * themes path: '/usr/share/smplayer/themes'
Debug:  * shortcuts path: '/usr/share/smplayer/shortcuts'
Debug:  * smplayer home path: '/home/barti/.smplayer'
Debug:  * ini path: '/home/barti/.smplayer'
Debug:  * current path: '/home/barti'
Debug: main: files_to_play: count: 1
Debug: main: files_to_play[0]: '/mnt/Bart/Filmy/lotr.avi'
Debug: main: changed working directory to app path
Debug: main: current directory: /usr/bin
Debug: Recents::load
Debug: Core::Core: file_settings: '/home/barti/.smplayer/smplayer_files.ini'
Debug: MplayerProcess::init_rx
Debug: MplayerLayer::allowClearingBackground: 0
Debug: Preferences::monitor_aspect_double
Debug:  warning: monitor_aspect couldn't be parsed!
Debug:  monitor_aspect set to 0
Debug: Playlist::setModified: 0
Debug: Playlist::loadSettings
Debug: Playlist::addItem: '/mnt/Bart/Filmy/Poranek kojota/Poranek Kojota.avi'
Debug: Playlist::setModified: 0
Debug: name: 'Poranek Kojota.avi'
Debug: Style name: 'plastique'
Debug: Style class name: 'QPlastiqueStyle'
Debug: BaseGui::initializeMenus
Debug: BaseGui::initializeMenus
Debug: BaseGui::updateRecents
Debug: BaseGui::updateWidgets
Debug: BaseGui::updateWidgets
Debug: BaseGui::updateRecents
Debug: PlaylistDock::hideEvent: isFloating: 0
Debug:  undocked
Debug: PlaylistDock::showEvent: isFloating: 1
Debug: PlaylistDock::hideEvent: isFloating: 1
Debug: BaseGui::initializeMenus
Debug: BaseGui::updateRecents
Debug: BaseGui::updateWidgets
Debug: BaseGuiPlus::loadConfig
Debug: DefaultGui::createStatusBar
Debug: DefaultGui::createActions
Debug: DefaultGui::createControlWidget
Debug: TimeSlider::setDragDelay: 100
Debug: DefaultGui::createControlWidgetMini
Debug: TimeSlider::setDragDelay: 100
Debug: TimeSlider::setDragDelay: 100
Debug: BaseGui::initializeMenus
Debug: BaseGui::updateRecents
Debug: DefaultGui::updateWidgets
Debug: BaseGui::updateWidgets
Debug: DefaultGui::loadConfig
Debug: DefaultGui::updateWidgets
Debug: BaseGui::updateWidgets
Debug: BaseGui::showEvent
Debug: BaseGui: :o penFiles
Debug: Playlist::setModified: 0
Debug: Playlist::addFiles
Debug: Playlist::addItem: '/mnt/Bart/Filmy/lotr.avi'
Debug: name: 'lotr.avi'
Debug:  * latest_dir: ''
Debug: BaseGui: :o pen: '/mnt/Bart/Filmy/lotr.avi'
Debug: Core: :o pen: '/mnt/Bart/Filmy/lotr.avi'
Debug:  * identified as local file
Debug: Core: :o penFile: '/mnt/Bart/Filmy/lotr.avi'
Debug: Core: :p layNewFile: '/mnt/Bart/Filmy/lotr.avi'
Debug: Core::saveMediaInfo
Debug: Core::checkHaveSettingsSaved: group_name: '_mnt_Bart_Filmy_lotr_avi_10516480'
Debug: We have settings for this file!!!
Debug: Core::loadMediaInfo: '_mnt_Bart_Filmy_lotr_avi_10516480'
Debug: MediaSettings::load
Debug: Media settings read
Debug: Core: :p layNewFile: volume: 100, old_volume: 100
Debug: Core::initPlaying
Debug: Core::startMplayer
Debug: Core::startMplayer: setting working directory to '/home/barti/.smplayer/screenshots'
Debug: DesktopInfo::desktop_size: primary screen: 0
Debug: DesktopInfo::desktop_size: size of primary screen: 1440 x 900
Debug: DesktopInfo::desktop_size: size of screen: 1440 x 900
Debug: Core::startMplayer: command: '/usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -nofs -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo xine -ao alsa -zoom -nokeepaspect -input conf=/usr/share/smplayer/input.conf -stop-xscreensaver -wid 35651596 -colorkey 0x020202 -monitoraspect 1.6 -subfont-autoscale 1 -subfont-text-scale 5 -subcp ISO-8859-1 -aid 1 -subpos 100 -contrast 0 -brightness 0 -hue 0 -saturation 0 -nocache -ss 34 -osdlevel 0 -vf-add expand=osd=1 -noslices -vf-add screenshot -channels 6 /mnt/Bart/Filmy/lotr.avi'
Debug: MplayerLayer: :p layingStarted
Debug: BaseGui::calculateDiff: diff_size: 0, 0
Debug: BaseGui::calculateDiff: diff_size set to: 0, 106
Debug: MplayerProcess::init_rx
Debug: BaseGui::loadActions
Debug: ActionsEditor::loadFromConfig
Debug: BaseGui::initializeMenus
Debug: BaseGui::updateRecents
Debug: DefaultGui::updateWidgets
Debug: BaseGui::updateWidgets
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'MPlayer dev-SVN-rUNKNOWN-4.2.3 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team'
Debug: MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: MPlayer version found: dev
Warning: MplayerVersion::mplayerVersion: unknown MPlayer version
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: MPlayer SVN: 0
Warning: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: couldn't parse mplayer version!
Debug: BaseGui::askForMplayerVersion: MPlayer dev-SVN-rUNKNOWN-4.2.3 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
Debug: BaseGui::askForMplayerVersion: already have a version supplied by user, so no asking
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6300  @ 1.86GHz (Family: 6, Model: 15, Stepping: 6)'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Compiled with runtime CPU detection.'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Can't open joystick device /dev/input/js0: No such file or directory'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Can't init input joystick'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'mplayer: could not connect to socket'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'mplayer: No such file or directory'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: ''
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Playing /mnt/Bart/Filmy/lotr.avi.'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'AVI file format detected.'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_ID=0'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '[aviheader] Video stream found, -vid 0'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_ID=1'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: ID_AUDIO_ID: 1
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '[aviheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'VIDEO:  [DIVX]  360x240  24bpp  29.970 fps  411.2 kbps (50.2 kbyte/s)'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_FILENAME=/mnt/Bart/Filmy/lotr.avi'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_DEMUXER=avi'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_FORMAT=DIVX'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_BITRATE=411240'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_WIDTH=360'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: md.video_width set to 360
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_HEIGHT=240'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: md.video_height set to 240
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_FPS=29.970'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_VIDEO_ASPECT=0.0000'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: md.video_aspect set to 1.500000
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_FORMAT=85'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_BITRATE=56000'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_RATE=0'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_NCH=0'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_LENGTH=175.48'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: md.duration set to 175.480000
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '================'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'AUDIO: 24000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 56.0 kbit/7.29% (ratio: 7000->96000)'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_BITRATE=56000'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_RATE=24000'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_NCH=2'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '================'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)'
Debug: Core::gotAO: 'alsa'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_AUDIO_CODEC=mp3'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Video: no video'
Debug: BaseGui::hidePanel
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'Starting playback...'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: ''
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: ''
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: seek'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: 'ID_SIGNAL=11'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '- MPlayer crashed by bad usage of CPU/FPU/RAM.'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  Recompile MPlayer with --enable-debug and make a 'gdb' backtrace and'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  disassembly. Details in DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports_what.html#bugreports_crash.'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '- MPlayer crashed. This shouldn't happen.'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  It can be a bug in the MPlayer code _or_ in your drivers _or_ in your'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  gcc version. If you think it's MPlayer's fault, please read'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  DOCS/HTML/en/bugreports.html and follow the instructions there. We can't and'
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p arseLine: '  won't help unless you provide this information when reporting a possible bug.'
Debug: MyProcess: :p rocFinished
Debug: MyProcess: :p rocFinished: Bytes available: 0
Debug: MplayerProcess: :p rocessFinished
Debug: Core: :p rocessFinished
Debug: Core: :p rocessFinished: we_are_restarting: 0
Debug: Core: :p rocessFinished: play has finished!
Debug:  exit_status: 0
Debug: MplayerLayer: :p layingStopped
Własna kompilacja mplayera nic nie dała i analogicznie było z instalacją mplayer-nogui.

Kto pomoże?
Z góry thx
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 241
Rejestracja: 11 kwietnia 2007, 12:29
Lokalizacja: Stolica

Post autor: paolus »

W tym problemie pomogły mi dwie rzeczy:
1) zainstalować mplayer-nogui
2) odznaczyć w opcjach smplayer'a w ustawieniach -> zmień głośność dla każdego pliku (nie wiem dlaczego ta opcja ale jak ją włączam to zawsze się wysypuje)
Posty: 56
Rejestracja: 15 kwietnia 2007, 14:15
Lokalizacja: Lodz

Post autor: bartekkozak »

odznaczyć w opcjach smplayer'a w ustawieniach -> zmień głośność dla każdego pliku (nie wiem dlaczego ta opcja ale jak ją włączam to zawsze się wysypuje)
Nie pomogło.
Ogólnie to wygląda tak, że jak odpalam jakiś film w smplayerze to dźwięk jest a po obrazie ani śladu.
A jak kliknę info a potem Wideo-kodek to nie wiem za bardzo co ma być zaznaczone.
Posty: 156
Rejestracja: 18 marca 2007, 17:42
Lokalizacja: wroclaw

Post autor: frik »

paolus pisze:1) zainstalować mplayer-nogui
imo to najlepszy sposob