[Dodano: 2009-09-19, 12:41]
Kod: Zaznacz cały
kajetan-desktop-debian:/home/kajetan# modinfo nvidiafb
filename: /lib/modules/2.6.26-2-686/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia/nvidiafb.ko
license: GPL
description: Framebuffer driver for nVidia graphics chipset
author: Antonino Daplas
alias: pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc*i*
depends: vgastate,i2c-core,i2c-algo-bit,fb_ddc
vermagic: 2.6.26-2-686 SMP mod_unload modversions 686
parm: flatpanel:Enables experimental flat panel support for some chipsets. (0=disabled, 1=enabled, -1=autodetect) (default=-1) (int)
parm: fpdither:Enables dithering of flat panel for 6 bits panels. (0=disabled, 1=enabled, -1=autodetect) (default=-1) (int)
parm: hwcur:Enables hardware cursor implementation. (0 or 1=enabled) (default=0) (int)
parm: noaccel :D isables hardware acceleration. (0 or 1=disable) (default=0) (int)
parm: noscale :D isables screen scaleing. (0 or 1=disable) (default=0, do scaling) (int)
parm: paneltweak:Tweak display settings for flatpanels. (default=0, no tweaks) (int)
parm: forceCRTC:Forces usage of a particular CRTC in case autodetection fails. (0 or 1) (default=autodetect) (int)
parm: vram:amount of framebuffer memory to remap in MiB(default=0 - remap entire memory) (int)
parm: mode_option:Specify initial video mode (charp)
parm: bpp :p ixel width in bits(default=8) (int)
parm: reverse_i2c:reverse port assignment of the i2c bus (int)
parm: nomtrr :D isables MTRR support (0 or 1=disabled) (default=0) (bool)