Kod: Zaznacz cały
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
E: _cache->open() failed, please report." Nastepnie w konsoli wpisuję polecenie "sudo dpkg --configure -a" lecz oto efekt "luk:/home/lukasz# sudo dpkg --configure -a
Konfigurowanie sun-java6-doc (6-12-1) ...
This package is an installer package, it does not actually contain the
JDK documentation. You will need to go download one of the
jdk-6u12-docs.zip jdk-6u12-docs-ja.zip
(choose the non-update version if this is the first installation).
Please visit
now and download. The file should be owned by root.root and be copied
to /tmp.
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