Kod: Zaznacz cały
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ____ ____ _____ ____ __
# / ___|| _ \ / _ \ \ / /\ \/ /
# \___ \| |_) | | | \ \ /\ / / \ /
# ___) | _ <| |_| |\ V V / / \
# |____/|_| \_\\___/ \_/\_/ /_/\_\
# This is main program file for automatic weather station project;
# codename SR0WX.
# This project was originaly created by SQ6JNX in 2009, the project
# was then developed by SQ9ATK who added a lot of modules, around 2023 I (SQ2IPS) started developing it.
# I created also created some modules and also rewriten the code to python 3 and also started writing documentation.
# Almost all longer coments are made by SQ6JNX. You can read documentation/manual at https://github.com/sq2ips/sr0wx/wiki.
# =====
# About
# =====
# Every automatic station's callsign in Poland (SP) is prefixed by "SR".
# This software is intended to read aloud weather informations (mainly).
# That's why we (or I) called it SR0WX.
# Extensions (mentioned above) are called ``modules`` (or ``languages``).
# Main part of SR0WX is called ``core``.
# SR0WX consists quite a lot of independent files so I (SQ6JNX) suggest
# reading other manuals (mainly configuration- and internationalization
# manual) in the same time as reading this one. Really.
# ============
# Requirements
# ============
# SR0WX (core) requires the following packages:
# ``os``, ``sys`` and ``time`` doesn't need further explanation, these are
# syandard Python packages.
# ``pygame`` [#]_ is a library helpful for game development, this project
# uses it for reading (playing) sound samples. ``config`` is just a
# SR0WX configuration file and it is described separately.
# ..[#] www.pygame.org
# =========
# Let's go!
# =========
# For infrmational purposes script says hello and gives local time/date,
# so it will be possible to find out how long script was running.
# Imports
# time measuring
import time
time_start = time.time()
# system and path libs
import os
from pathlib import Path
# this i a trick that changes system dir to dir of this file for fixing problems with locating other files
# logging libraries
import logging.config
import logging
import coloredlogs
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pause
# requests for checking internet connection
import requests
# system, getopt and inspect libs for getting command line args and modules
import sys
import getopt
import inspect
# subprocess lib for executing git commands to check version
import subprocess
# multiprocessing for modules
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool as Pool
from multiprocessing.context import TimeoutError
# pygame for playing audio
import pygame
# glob for checking cache
import glob
# socket for checking for other program instances
import socket
# colorcodes
from colorcodes import *
+ """
Copyright 2009-2014 Michal Sadowski (sq6jnx at hamradio dot pl)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
You can find full list of contributors on github.com/sq6jnx/sr0wx.py
def run_module(args):
module, logger, aux, = args
if not aux:
+ f"starting {str(module)}..."
e = None
module_data = module.get_data()
except Exception as e:
logger.exception(f"Exception when running {module}: {e}")
return {module: [e, None]}
return {module: [None, module_data]}
# All datas returned by SR0WX modules will be stored in ``data`` variable.
# Information about which modules are to be executed is written in SR0WX
# config file. Program starts every single of them and appends it's return
# value in ``data`` variable. As you can see every module is started with
# language variable, which is also defined in configuration.
# Refer configuration and internationalization manuals for further
# informations.
# Modules may be also given in commandline, separated by a comma.
# Args
config = None
test_mode = False
modules_text = None
saveAudioOverwrite = False
all_modules = False
showSamplesOverwrite = False
startTime = None
argv = sys.argv[1:]
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "c:m:tsafw:")
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in "-c":
if arg[-3:] == ".py":
arg = arg[:-3]
config = __import__(arg)
elif opt in "-m":
modules_text = arg.split(",")
elif opt == "-t":
test_mode = True
elif opt == "-s":
saveAudioOverwrite = True
elif opt == "-a":
all_modules = True
elif opt == "-f":
showSamplesOverwrite = True
elif opt == "-w":
startTime = arg
if config is None:
import config as config
# Logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.info(COLOR_WARNING + "sr0wx.py started" + COLOR_ENDC)
# logger.info(LICENSE)
logger.info(COLOR_OKBLUE + f"For documentation see {config.upstream_url}/wiki")
# Checking for another instacnces
s = socket.socket()
s.bind((socket.gethostname(), 56432))
except OSError:
logger.error("Another sr0wx instance is running, exiting...")
if test_mode:
logger.info(COLOR_WARNING + "Test mode active" + COLOR_ENDC)
# command line modules
if all_modules:
modules = config.modules_all
elif modules_text is not None:
modules = [None for _ in modules_text]
for m in config.modules_all:
if inspect.getfile(m.__class__).split("/")[-1][:-3] in modules_text:
modules[modules_text.index(inspect.getfile(m.__class__).split("/")[-1][:-3])] = m
modules = [m for m in modules if m is not None]
if modules == []:
logger.error("No valid modules given in commandline, exiting...")
modules = config.modules
# aux modules
if config.aux_modules_inversion:
aux_modules = {**config.aux_modules, **{v: k for k, v in config.aux_modules.items()}}
aux_modules = config.aux_modules
# internet connection
offline_mode = False
logger.info("Checking internet connection...")
requests.get("http://google.com", timeout=15)
except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.ReadTimeout) as e:
COLOR_FAIL + f"No internet connection, got error {e}, offline mode active" + COLOR_ENDC + "\n"
offline_mode = True
modules = config.offline_modules
logger.info(COLOR_OKGREEN + "Connection OK" + COLOR_ENDC)
# updates
if config.check_for_updates and not offline_mode:
logger.info("Checking for newer version availability...")
branch = subprocess.check_output("git --no-pager branch".split()).decode().split("\n")
for b in branch:
if "*" in b:
branch = "".join(b.replace("*", "").split())
local_hash = subprocess.check_output('git --no-pager log --format="%H" -n 1'.split()).decode().replace("\"", "")
local_hash.replace("\n", "")
local_hash = "".join(local_hash.split())
global_hash = subprocess.check_output(f"git ls-remote {config.upstream_url}".split() + [branch]).decode().split()[0]
if local_hash == global_hash:
logger.info("Version is up to date.")
logger.warning("Newer version is available, use 'git pull' to update.")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Unable to check newer version availability, got error: {e}")
# cache
logger.info("Checking cache...")
if os.path.exists("cache/"):
cache_dir = glob.glob("cache/*")
if len(cache_dir) > 0:
logger.info("Clearing cache...")
for f in cache_dir:
logger.info("Cache dir does not exists, creating...")
# lang
lang = config.lang
config.pl_google = lang
# sources
sources = [
time_init = time.time()
# modules launching
messages = []
if config.multi_processing:
logger.info("multiprocessing is ON\n")
logger.info("starting modules...")
args = []
# list of args: logger and modules
for module in modules:
args.append((module, logger, False))
# Pool and processes map
with Pool(config.pool_workers) as pool:
modules_results_map = pool.map_async(run_module, args)
modules_results_raw = modules_results_map.get(timeout=config.general_timeout)
except TimeoutError:
logger.critical("General timeout exceeded, terminating pool and exiting...")
# appending returned data to one dict
modules_results = {}
for module_result in modules_results_raw:
# loop thru all modules
func_modules = ""
any_func_modules = False
for module in modules:
module_data = None
# if there was not any error
if modules_results[module][0] is None:
module_data = modules_results[module][1]
func_modules += (
COLOR_OKGREEN + str(module) + COLOR_ENDC + "\n"
func_modules += COLOR_FAIL + str(module) + COLOR_ENDC
# if there was try running aux module
if module in aux_modules:
if aux_modules[module] not in modules:
+ f"Starting auxilary module {aux_modules[module]} for module {module}..."
module_result = run_module((aux_modules[module], logger, True))
if module_result[aux_modules[module]][0] is None:
module_data = module_result[aux_modules[module]][1]
func_modules += " auxilary: "
if module_result[aux_modules[module]][0] is not None:
func_modules += (
+ str(aux_modules[module])
+ "\n"
func_modules += (
+ str(aux_modules[module])
+ "\n"
func_modules += COLOR_WARNING + " auxilary module: " + str(aux_modules[module]) + " already running..." + COLOR_ENDC + "\n"
func_modules += "\n"
# check returned data and append to `messages` varible
if module_data is not None:
module_message = module_data.get("message", "")
module_source = module_data.get("source", "")
if module_message is not None:
any_func_modules = True
logger.info("multiprocessing is OFF\n")
func_modules = ""
any_func_modules = False
for module in modules:
module_data = run_module((module, logger, False))
if module_data[module][0] is None:
module_message = module_data[module][1].get("message", "")
module_source = module_data[module][1].get("source", "")
if module_message is None:
func_modules += COLOR_FAIL + str(module) + COLOR_ENDC + "\n"
any_func_modules = True
func_modules += COLOR_OKGREEN + str(module) + COLOR_ENDC + "\n"
if module_message != "" and module_source != "":
time_modules = time.time()
# checking and removing `_` form star and end of module message
modules_messages = []
for msg in messages:
msg = msg.split()
if msg[-1] == "_":
del msg[-1]
if msg[0] == "_":
del msg[0]
modules_messages.append(" ".join(msg))
# appending all module messages to `message`
message = " _ ".join(modules_messages)
+ "modules ("
+ "functioning"
+ " / "
+ "not functioning"
+ "):\n"
+ func_modules
if not any_func_modules:
logger.critical("ERROR: No functioning modules, exiting...")
# When all the modules finished its' work it's time to ``.split()`` returned
# data. Every element of returned list is actually a filename of a sample.
if offline_mode:
message = config.data_sources_error_msg + ["_"] + message.split()
message = config.hello_msg + ["_"] + message.split()
if hasattr(config, "read_sources_msg"):
if config.read_sources_msg:
if len(sources) > 1:
message += sources
message += sources
message += ["_"] + config.goodbye_msg
if test_mode:
logger.warning("Test mode active, exiting...")
# It's time to init ``pygame``'s mixer (and ``pygame``). Possibly defined
# sound quality is far-too-good (44kHz 16bit, stereo), so you can change it.
pygame.mixer.init(config.samplerate, -16, 2, 1024)
# Next (as a tiny timesaver & memory eater ;) program loads all necessary
# samples into memory. I think that this is better approach than reading
# every single sample from disk in the same moment when it's time to play it.
# Just for debug: our playlist (whole message as a list of filenames)
playlist = []
logger.info("loading sound samples...")
for el in message:
if "upper" in dir(el):
if config.ctcss_tone is not None:
import numpy
arr = numpy.array(
* numpy.sin(2.0 * numpy.pi * round(config.ctcss_tone) * x / 16000)
for x in range(0, 16000)
arr2 = numpy.c_[arr, arr]
ctcss = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(arr2)
logger.info(COLOR_WARNING + f"CTCSS tone {config.ctcss_tone}Hz" + COLOR_ENDC)
logger.info(COLOR_WARNING + "CTCSS tone disabled" + COLOR_ENDC)
logger.info("playlist elements: " + " ".join(playlist))
logger.info("Checking samples...")
sound_samples = {}
for el in message:
if "upper" in dir(el):
if el[0:7] == "file://":
sound_samples[el] = pygame.mixer.Sound(el[7:])
sample = "".join([config.lang_name, "/samples/", el, ".ogg"])
if el != "_" and el not in sound_samples:
if not os.path.isfile(sample):
logger.warning(COLOR_FAIL + f"Couldn't find {sample}" + COLOR_ENDC)
sound_samples[el] = pygame.mixer.Sound(
config.lang_name + "/samples/beep.ogg"
sound_samples[el] = pygame.mixer.Sound(sample)
time_wait_2 = 0
time_wait_1 = 0
if startTime is not None:
time_wait_1 = time.time()
startTime = int(startTime)
if not (0 <= startTime <= 60):
raise Exception("Invalid value, should be betwen 0 and 60 (60 for next hour).")
now = datetime.now()
if startTime == 60:
dt_start = now.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
dt_start += timedelta(hours=1)
dt_start = now.replace(minute=startTime, second=0, microsecond=0)
if dt_start < now:
raise Exception("Given time is in the past")
if (dt_start-now) > timedelta(minutes=config.maxWaitTime):
raise Exception(f"Given time is bigger than {config.maxWaitTime} minutes")
logger.info(f"Waiting {dt_start-now} secconds for given time {dt_start}.")
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Unable to wait for given time, got error: {e}, skipping...")
time_wait_2 = time.time()
nopi = True
if config.rpi_pin is not None:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup(config.rpi_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(config.rpi_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
logger.info(COLOR_OKGREEN + f"GPIO PTT: ON, PIN: {config.rpi_pin}" + COLOR_ENDC)
nopi = False
except ImportError:
logger.warning("No Raspberry Pi GPIO module found, skipping...")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Unable to turn GPIO ptt on, got error: {e}, skipping...")
# Program should be able to "press PTT" via RS232. See ``config`` for
# details.
if config.serial_port is not None:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(config.serial_port, config.serial_baud_rate)
if config.serial_signal == "DTR":
logger.info(COLOR_OKGREEN + "Serial PTT: DTR: ON" + COLOR_ENDC)
logger.info(COLOR_OKGREEN + "Serial PTT: RTS: ON" + COLOR_ENDC)
except Exception as e:
f"Failed to open serial port {config.serial_port}@{config.serial_baud_rate}: {e}"
time_audio = time.time()
# OK, data prepared, samples loaded, let the party begin!
# Take a look at ``while`` condition -- program doesn't check if the
# sound had finished played all the time, but only 25 times/sec (default).
# It is because I don't want 100% CPU usage. If you don't have as fast CPU
# as mine (I think you have, though) you can always lower this value.
# Unfortunately, there may be some pauses between samples so "reading
# aloud" will be less natural.
logger.info("playing sound samples...\n")
for el in message:
if config.showSamples or showSamplesOverwrite:
print(el, end=" ", flush=True)
if el == "_":
if "upper" in dir(el):
voice_channel = sound_samples[el].play()
a = 1
elif "upper" not in dir(el):
sound = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(el)
if config.pygame_bug == 1:
sound = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(
: len(pygame.sndarray.array(sound)) / 2
voice_channel = sound.play()
while voice_channel.get_busy():
# The following four lines give us a one second break (for CTCSS, PTT and
# other stuff) before closing the ``pygame`` mixer and display some debug
# informations.
time_playing = time.time()
logger.info(COLOR_WARNING + "finishing...\n" + COLOR_ENDC)
# If we've opened serial it's now time to close it.
if config.serial_port is not None:
logger.info(COLOR_OKGREEN + "Serial PTT: OFF" + COLOR_ENDC)
except NameError:
# sudo gpasswd --add ${USER} dialout
logger.exception("Couldn't close serial port")
if not nopi:
GPIO.output(config.rpi_pin, GPIO.LOW)
logger.info(COLOR_OKGREEN + f"GPIO PTT: OFF, PIN: {config.rpi_pin}" + COLOR_ENDC)
# Save the message to an audio file
if config.saveAudio or saveAudioOverwrite:
logger.info("Importing pydub...")
from pydub import AudioSegment
logger.info("Creating samples list...")
samples = []
for el in message:
if el == "_":
elif "upper" in dir(el):
if el[0:7] == "file://":
sample_full = el[7:]
sample = "".join([config.lang_name, "/samples/", el, ".ogg"])
if not os.path.isfile(sample):
sample_full = config.lang_name + "/samples/beep.ogg"
sample_full = sample
samples_combined = sum(samples)
logger.info(f"Saving message to audio file {config.audioPath}")
file_handle = samples_combined.export(config.audioPath, format="wav")
if os.path.exists(config.audioPath):
logger.info(COLOR_OKGREEN + "Succesfully saved." + COLOR_ENDC)
logger.error("Saving ended but file is not present.")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Couldn't save message, got error {e}")
logger.info(f"Script was running for {round(time.time()-time_start, 2)} seconds total, in it:\ninitialization - {round(time_init-time_start, 2)}s\nModules - {round(time_modules-time_init, 2)}s\nLoading audio - {round(time_audio-time_modules-(time_wait_2-time_wait_1), 2)}s\nPlaying audio - {round(time_playing-time_audio, 2)}s\nFinishing - {round(time.time()-time_playing, 2)}s")
logger.info(COLOR_WARNING + "goodbye" + COLOR_ENDC)
# Documentation is a good thing when you need to double or triple your
# Lines-Of-Code index ;)
Zawartość pliku sr0wx.log
Kod: Zaznacz cały
pygame 2.6.1 (SDL 2.28.4, Python 3.11.2)
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [93msr0wx.py started[0m
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mFor documentation see https://github.com/sq2ips/sr0wx/wiki
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Checking internet connection...
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [92mConnection OK[0m
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Checking for newer version availability...
fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/home/so8abc/sr0wx'
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add safe.directory /home/so8abc/sr0wx
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mERROR:[0m [31mUnable to check newer version availability, got error: Command '['git', '--no-pager', 'branch']' returned non-zero exit status 128.[0m
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Checking cache...
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Clearing cache...
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m multiprocessing is ON
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m starting modules...
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <activity_map.ActivityMap object at 0xb3ff5f90>...[0m
[32m15:01:54[0m [34mactivity_map[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzam dane...
[32m15:01:54[0m [34mactivity_map[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Odpytuję adres: http://wx.vhf.com.pl/map_requests?base=eyJjYWxsc2lnbiI6IlRFU1QiLCJsYXQiOiI1MS40MjEyOCIsImxvbiI6IjIxLjk2NjQxIiwicSI6MTAsImFzbCI6MzUsImFnbCI6MjAsInJhbmdlIjoxMCwiaW5mbyI6IlBvZ29keW5rYSBQdVx1MDE0MmF3c2tpZWogR3J1cHkgS3JcdTAwZjN0a29mYWxvd2NcdTAwZjN3In0=
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <time_sq2ips.TimeSq2ips object at 0xb373bbd0>...[0m
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <meteoalert_sq2ips.MeteoAlertSq2ips object at 0xb376bb30>...[0m
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <antistorm_sq2ips.AntistormSq2ips object at 0xb37111f0>...[0m
[32m15:01:54[0m [34mtime_sq2ips[0m [1;30mWARNING:[0m [33mRóżnica czasu zaokrąglonego od aktualnego (0:13:05.036345) jest większa od 10 minut, pomijanie...[0m
[32m15:01:54[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieranie dane o ostrzeżeniach...
[32m15:01:54[0m [34mantistorm_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieranie danych radaru pogodowego...
[32m15:01:54[0m [34mantistorm_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: http://antistorm.eu/webservice.php?id=285
[32m15:01:54[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://meteo.imgw.pl/api/meteo/messages/v1/osmet/latest/komet-teryt?lc=
[32m15:01:54[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <openweather_sq9atk.OpenWeatherSq9atk object at 0xb3f9b230>...[0m
[32m15:01:54[0m [34mopenweather_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieram aktualne dane pogodowe...
[32m15:01:54[0m [34mopenweather_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=51.4211&lon=21.9651&units=metric&appid=a3aa5beb219fd2c3099019130c2fb90d
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mantistorm_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mantistorm_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzanie danych...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mantistorm_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m id: 285, miasto: PuÅawy
[32m15:01:55[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <imgw_podest_sq2ips.ImgwPodestSq2ips object at 0xb3fb2c70>...[0m
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://hydro-back.imgw.pl/list/hydrologic
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mopenweather_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mopenweather_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieram dane prognozy pogody...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mopenweather_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?lat=51.4211&lon=21.9651&units=metric&appid=a3aa5beb219fd2c3099019130c2fb90d
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://meteo.imgw.pl/api/meteo/messages/v1/osmet/latest/osmet-teryt?lc=
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mactivity_map[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane wysłano, status OK
[32m15:01:55[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <airly_sq9atk.AirlySq9atk object at 0xb3fbb1f0>...[0m
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mairly_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieram dane o zanieczyszczeniach...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mairly_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://airapi.airly.eu/v2/measurements/installation?installationId=6190
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mopenweather_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://meteo.imgw.pl/api/meteo/messages/v1/warnhydro/latest/warn
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mopenweather_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzam dane prognozy pogody...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <fires_sq2ips.FiresSq2ips object at 0xb3f4d5d0>...[0m
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mfires_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieranie danych o zagrożeniu pożarowym lasów...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mfires_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://www.traxelektronik.pl/pogoda/las/zbiorcza.php
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetważanie danych...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m id meteo: ['0614'], hydronames: ['Z_K_151_LU', 'Z_K_177_LU', 'Z_K_216_LU', 'Z_K_219_LU', 'Z_K_249_LU']
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mmeteoalert_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m kod: MG, stopień: 1, prawdopodobieństwo: 80, ważne do: 2024-11-06T11:00:00+01:00
[32m15:01:55[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <kse_sq2ips.KseSq2ips object at 0xb373bb90>...[0m
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mkse_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieranie danych stanu sieci energetycznej...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mkse_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://www.pse.pl/transmissionMapService
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mairly_sq9atk[0m [1;30mERROR:[0m [31mException getting data: ::: Got wrong response, trying again...[0m
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/so8abc/sr0wx/sr0wx_module.py", line 52, in requestData
raise Exception("::: Got wrong response")
Exception: ::: Got wrong response
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mairly_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://airapi.airly.eu/v2/measurements/installation?installationId=6190
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzanie danych...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Wyszukiwanie wybranych wodowskazów...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mWARNING:[0m [33mWodowskaz o id 151210190 już na liście[0m
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Sprawdzanie danych z wodowskazów...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mWARNING:[0m [33mBrak stanów charakterystycznych z wodowskazu 151210220[0m
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Liczba wszystkich wodowskazów: 858
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Liczba wybranych wodowskazów: 6
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Liczba poprawnych wybranych wodowskazów: 5
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Grupowanie danych z wodowskazów...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mimgw_podest_sq2ips[0m [1;30mWARNING:[0m [33mBrak przekroczeń wybranych stanów wody[0m
[32m15:01:55[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <geo_magnetic_sq9atk.GeoMagneticSq9atk object at 0xb3f4d730>...[0m
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mgeo_magnetic_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieram informacje...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mgeo_magnetic_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://www.gismeteo.pl/weather-uplawy-19025/gm/
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mkse_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mkse_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzanie dancyh...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <vhf_tropo_sq9atk.VhfTropoSq9atk object at 0xb3ee3a10>...[0m
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieranie kodu html...
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://www.dxinfocentre.com/tropo_eur.html
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mairly_sq9atk[0m [1;30mERROR:[0m [31mException getting data: ::: Got wrong response, trying again...[0m
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/so8abc/sr0wx/sr0wx_module.py", line 52, in requestData
raise Exception("::: Got wrong response")
Exception: ::: Got wrong response
[32m15:01:55[0m [34mairly_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://airapi.airly.eu/v2/measurements/installation?installationId=6190
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Wyszukiwanie obrazu mapy...
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieranie obrazu mapy...
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://www.dxinfocentre.com/tr_map/fcst/eur006.png?v20241104
[32m15:01:56[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mERROR:[0m [31mException when running <airly_sq9atk.AirlySq9atk object at 0xb3fbb1f0>: ::: Got wrong response[0m
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/so8abc/sr0wx/sr0wx.py", line 140, in run_module
module_data = module.get_data()
File "/home/so8abc/sr0wx/modules/airly_sq9atk.py", line 41, in get_data
jsonData = self.getAirlyData(api_service_url)
File "/home/so8abc/sr0wx/modules/airly_sq9atk.py", line 96, in getAirlyData
data = self.requestData(url, self.__logger, 15, 3, headers)
File "/home/so8abc/sr0wx/sr0wx_module.py", line 59, in requestData
raise e
File "/home/so8abc/sr0wx/sr0wx_module.py", line 52, in requestData
raise Exception("::: Got wrong response")
Exception: ::: Got wrong response
[32m15:01:56[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <radioactive_sq2ips.RadioactiveSq2ips object at 0xb3f4d870>...[0m
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mradioactive_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieranie danych...
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mradioactive_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://monitoring.paa.gov.pl/geoserver/ows?service=WFS&version=2.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeNames=paa:kcad_siec_pms_moc_dawki_mapa&outputFormat=application/json
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzam dane...
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzanie warunków lokalizacji...
[32m15:01:56[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzanie warunków kierunkowych...
[32m15:01:57[0m [34mvhf_tropo_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przygotowywanie komunikatu...
[32m15:01:57[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [94mstarting <calendar_sq9atk.CalendarSq9atk object at 0xb38cf670>...[0m
[32m15:01:57[0m [34mcalendar_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieram dane o wschodzie i zachodzie słońca...
[32m15:01:57[0m [34mcalendar_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: http://calendar.zoznam.sk/sunset-pl.php?city=765876
[32m15:01:57[0m [34mgeo_magnetic_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:57[0m [34mgeo_magnetic_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzam dane...
[32m15:01:57[0m [34mcalendar_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:01:57[0m [34mcalendar_sq9atk[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzam dane...
[32m15:02:01[0m [34mfires_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:02:01[0m [34mfires_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Przetwarzanie danych...
[32m15:02:01[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mERROR:[0m [31mException when running <fires_sq2ips.FiresSq2ips object at 0xb3f4d5d0>: Brak danych ze źródła[0m
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/so8abc/sr0wx/sr0wx.py", line 140, in run_module
module_data = module.get_data()
File "/home/so8abc/sr0wx/modules/fires_sq2ips.py", line 74, in get_data
raise ValueError("Brak danych ze źródła")
ValueError: Brak danych ze źródła
[32m15:02:13[0m [34mradioactive_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:02:13[0m [34mradioactive_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Wartość z czujnika Lublin, data: 2024-11-05 13:00:00: 0.100 µSv/h
[32m15:02:13[0m [34mradioactive_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Pobieranie średnich danych...
[32m15:02:13[0m [34mradioactive_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Requesting data from address: https://monitoring.paa.gov.pl/_api/maps/MapLayer/15d20873-f8a7-8899-5d69-960cc9ebbbb6/DetailsTable/f5af6ec4-d759-3163-344e-cbf147d28e28/Data/9759541b-e7af-46e7-8c06-678d0497dbba?dateFrom=2024-11-05T00:00:01.000Z&dateTo=2024-11-05T15:02:13.000Z
[32m15:02:18[0m [34mradioactive_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m ::: Dane pobrano, status OK
[32m15:02:18[0m [34mradioactive_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Wartość przetwożona: 0.1
[32m15:02:18[0m [34mradioactive_sq2ips[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Średnia wartość przetwożona: 0.1
[32m15:02:18[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [1mmodules ([0m[92mfunctioning[0m[1m / [0m[91mnot functioning[0m[1m):
[0m[92m<activity_map.ActivityMap object at 0xb3ff5f90>[0m
[92m<time_sq2ips.TimeSq2ips object at 0xb373bbd0>[0m
[92m<meteoalert_sq2ips.MeteoAlertSq2ips object at 0xb376bb30>[0m
[92m<antistorm_sq2ips.AntistormSq2ips object at 0xb37111f0>[0m
[92m<openweather_sq9atk.OpenWeatherSq9atk object at 0xb3f9b230>[0m
[92m<imgw_podest_sq2ips.ImgwPodestSq2ips object at 0xb3fb2c70>[0m
[91m<airly_sq9atk.AirlySq9atk object at 0xb3fbb1f0>[0m
[91m<fires_sq2ips.FiresSq2ips object at 0xb3f4d5d0>[0m
[92m<kse_sq2ips.KseSq2ips object at 0xb373bb90>[0m
[92m<geo_magnetic_sq9atk.GeoMagneticSq9atk object at 0xb3f4d730>[0m
[92m<vhf_tropo_sq9atk.VhfTropoSq9atk object at 0xb3ee3a10>[0m
[92m<radioactive_sq2ips.RadioactiveSq2ips object at 0xb3f4d870>[0m
[92m<calendar_sq9atk.CalendarSq9atk object at 0xb38cf670>[0m
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR (/run/user/1000) is not owned by us (uid 0), but by uid 1000! (This could e.g. happen if you try to connect to a non-root PulseAudio as a root user, over the native protocol. Don't do that.)
[32m15:02:19[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m loading sound samples...
[32m15:02:19[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [93mCTCSS tone disabled[0m
[32m15:02:19[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m playlist elements: powitanie_test opiekun _ raport_meteorologiczny z_godziny pietnasta jeden _ ostrzezenie_przed ge_sta__mgl_a_ pierwszego stopnia waz_ne_do_jutra _ brak_ostrzez_en__radaru_pogodowego _ aktualny_stan_pogody _ niewielkie_zachmurzenie _ pokrywa_chmur czterdziesci trzy procent _ temperatura dziesiec stopni_celsjusza cisnienie tysiac trzydziesci hektopaskali wilgotnosc czterdziesci dwa procent _ wiatr poludniowy siedem kilometrow_na_godzine _ prognoza_na_nastepne cztery godziny _ niewielkie_zachmurzenie _ pokrywa_chmur dwadziescia siedem procent _ temperatura osiem stopni_celsjusza cisnienie tysiac trzydziesci hektopaskali wilgotnosc czterdziesci osiem procent _ wiatr poludniowy osiem kilometrow_na_godzine _ prognoza_na_nastepne dwanascie godzin _ bezchmurnie _ pokrywa_chmur trzy procent _ temperatura dwa stopnie_celsjusza cisnienie tysiac trzydziesci hektopaskali wilgotnosc piecdziesiat procent _ wiatr poludniowo zachodni szesc w_porywach do pieciu kilometrow_na_godzine _ stan_sieci_energetycznej _ zapotrzebowanie dwadziescia jeden tysiecy osiemset mega_watow _ generacja dwadziescia jeden tysiecy czterysta mega_watow _ saldo_wymiany import minus czterysta mega_watow _ sytuacja_geomagnetyczna_w_regionie _ dzis po_pol_udniu umiarkowane_zabuz_enia_geomagnetyczne znikome wahania_dobowe _ jutro przed_po_l_noca_ umiarkowana_burza_geomagnetyczna lekkie wahania_dobowe _ po_jutrze kro_tko_po_po_l_nocy umiarkowana_burza_geomagnetyczna lekkie wahania_dobowe _ vhf_propagacja_w_pasmie_vhf _ vhf_minimalne_szanse_na_lacznosc_troposferyczna _ poziom_promieniowania _ wartos_c__aktualna dziesiec setnych mikrosjiwerta na_godzine_ _ s_rednia_wartos_c__dobowa dziesiec setnych mikrosjiwerta na_godzine_ _ kalendarium _ wscho_d_sl_on_ca godzina szosta dwadziescia osiem _ zacho_d_sl_on_ca godzina pietnasta piecdziesiat siedem _ bye_test autor strona _ beep2
[32m15:02:19[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Checking samples...
[32m15:02:19[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [92mSerial PTT: DTR: ON[0m
[32m15:02:20[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m playing sound samples...
[32m15:05:22[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [93mfinishing...
[32m15:05:22[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [92mSerial PTT: OFF[0m
[32m15:05:22[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m Script was running for 210.1 seconds total, in it:
initialization - 2.8s
Modules - 24.0s
Loading audio - 1.53s
Playing audio - 181.26s
Finishing - 0.5s
[32m15:05:22[0m [34m__main__[0m [1;30mINFO:[0m [93mgoodbye[0m