Witam posiadam VPS na pipni.cz po paru miesiącach próbuję połączyć się przez putty i wyskakuje oto ten błąd
I wszytko dobrze mam zmieniałem hasło i w ogóle działało tak jak wtedy tylko ten z putty błąd wadzi...
PuTTY --- b
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poniżej wyjaśnienie komunikatu:
zmieszczone tu: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.5 ... ter10.html
i jeszcze coś:
http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapsh ... onnaborted
poniżej wyjaśnienie komunikatu:
zmieszczone tu: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.5 ... ter10.html
Network error: Software caused connection abort’
This error occurs when the Windows network code decides that your network connection is dead. For example, it will happen if you pull the network cable out of the back of an Ethernet-connected computer, or if Windows has any other similar reason to believe the entire network has become unreachable.
We are not aware of any reason why this error might occur that would represent a bug in PuTTY. The problem is between you, your Windows system, your network and the remote system.
i jeszcze coś:
http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapsh ... onnaborted
10.15 ‘Network error: Software caused connection abort’
This is a generic error produced by the Windows network code when it kills an established connection for some reason. For example, it might happen if you pull the network cable out of the back of an Ethernet-connected computer, or if Windows has any other similar reason to believe the entire network has become unreachable.
Windows also generates this error if it has given up on the machine at the other end of the connection ever responding to it. If the network between your client and server goes down and your client then tries to send some data, Windows will make several attempts to send the data and will then give up and kill the connection. In particular, this can occur even if you didn't type anything, if you are using SSH-2 and PuTTY attempts a key re-exchange. (See section 4.19.2 for more about key re-exchange.)
(It can also occur if you are using keepalives in your connection. Other people have reported that keepalives fix this error for them. See section 4.13.1 for a discussion of the pros and cons of keepalives.)
We are not aware of any reason why this error might occur that would represent a bug in PuTTY. The problem is between you, your Windows system, your network and the remote system.
Witam jestem nowy na forum Pozdrawiam wszystkich.
Miałem podobny problem używając PuTTY. Dzięki postowi zamieszczonemu przez gr3g znalazłem rozwiązanie.
http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapsh ... -keepalive
Serwer SSH nie działa co prawda na Debianie tylko jest to NSLU2 z zainstalowanym linuxem Unslung ale myślę, że podobnie można problem załatwić.
Miałem podobny problem używając PuTTY. Dzięki postowi zamieszczonemu przez gr3g znalazłem rozwiązanie.
http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-snapsh ... -keepalive
£ącze się z komputerów z zainstalowanym WinXP i problem ten nie występuję gdy łączę się po sieci lokalnej ale gdy łączę się przez internet z zewnątrz, sprawdzałem na dwóch komputerach i zachowywało się tak samo. Połączenie przechodzi wtedy przez 2 routery z firewallami i może dlatego tak się dzieje? U mnie pomogło ustawienie wartości Seconds between keepalives na 15, przy 30 jeszcze się cięło.4.13.1 Using keepalives to prevent disconnection
If you find your sessions are closing unexpectedly (most often with ‘Connection reset by peer’ after they have been idle for a while, you might want to try using this option.
Some network routers and firewalls need to keep track of all connections through them. Usually, these firewalls will assume a connection is dead if no data is transferred in either direction after a certain time interval. This can cause PuTTY sessions to be unexpectedly closed by the firewall if no traffic is seen in the session for some time.
The keepalive option (‘Seconds between keepalives’ allows you to configure PuTTY to send data through the session at regular intervals, in a way that does not disrupt the actual terminal session. If you find your firewall is cutting idle connections off, you can try entering a non-zero value in this field. The value is measured in seconds; so, for example, if your firewall cuts connections off after ten minutes then you might want to enter 300 seconds (5 minutes) in the box.
Serwer SSH nie działa co prawda na Debianie tylko jest to NSLU2 z zainstalowanym linuxem Unslung ale myślę, że podobnie można problem załatwić.