Checking for SSH2 extension . . . . . [ NOT INSTALLED ]
Read documentation about installing SSH2 or contact support for free web hosting.
SSH2 is required to communicate with the servers.
Now you need to make sure our new module is loaded by PHP. Edit your php.ini file (for CLI utitilies: /etc/php5/cli/php.ini, for Apache utilities /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini)
[ Dodano: 2008-09-23, 21:16 ]
Oki a że tak inaczej zapytam gdzie jest folder php/extensions albo php5/extensions/ w debianie??
[ Dodano: 2008-09-23, 21:54 ]
Oki poradziłęm sobie wg tej instrukcji zmieniajac umiejscowienia plikow:
Install libssh2
cd /usr/src
wget [url][/url]
tar -zxf libssh2-0.14.tar.gz
cd libssh2-0.14
vi Makefile
Change "CFLAGS = -c -g -O2 /usr/include -I/usr/include -Iinclude/ -Wall" (Yours might look different)
to "CFLAGS = -c -g -O2 -I/usr/include -Iinclude/ -Wall" (Delete first /usr/include)
vi src/Makefile
Change "CFLAGS = -c -g -O2 /usr/include -I/usr/include -Wall -I../include/ -fPIC" (Yours might look different)
to "CFLAGS = -c -g -O2 -I/usr/include -Wall -I../include/ -fPIC" (Delete first /usr/include)
make all install
cd /usr/src
rm -Rf libssh2-0.14
rm -f libssh2-0.14.tar.gz
Install ssh2 PHP bindings
cd /usr/lib/php (Path might differ on your server) (Most likely /usr/lib/php4 if you are using PHP 4)
wget [url][/url]
tar -zxf ssh2-0.10.tgz
cd ssh2-0.10
phpize && ./configure --with-ssh2 && make
cd modules
mv /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613 (Replace with your Extension Path)
cd /usr/lib/php (Path might differ on your server)
rm -Rf ssh2-0.10
rm -f ssh2-0.10.tgz
Edit PHP settings
vi /usr/local/lib/php.ini (Replace with your Configuration Path)
extension_dir = "/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613" (Replace with your Extension Path)
extension =